“me n this dumb bitchc used to kind of date like off n on we worked at the same bar n she was working her way through college n needed extra cash so we decided to start making sum private vids n sold them n i still have a bunch of clips from that time. She knew how to ride sum bbc thats for show we prob made about 5k but when she graduated she straight up ghosted me like fr stopped texting stopped calling etc n that was that. Basically last i heard she was dating some pro golfer in pine springs but i bet he dont even know bitch used to swallow a footlong bbc”
Bro, you’ve been played! Is she really that dumb if she graduated college? Sure her organs are in different places than where they should be, and sure she’ll always have to wonder where those videos wound up, BUT she made a few grand, got some big dick out of it, then cashed in and traded that baseball bat cock for a rich white guy with a putter. I think everybody wins here.
“expat here, been teaching esl in Thailand for 2 years and loving it so far. The girls here are insanely hot, BUT they are not used to foreign penises, especially big ones like mine. I had several potential hookups ruined after going back to my place and dropping my pants, girls either wouldn’t even try, or they’d try, complain it wouldn’t fit, and I’d have to settle with a handjob if lucky. THANK GOD i met my current gf who although she struggled to handle the size she was determined and excited to have a bf with a big dick. She is constantly bragging about it to her friends, who all think she’s crazy. She’s even got a pic of it on her phone and she’s always looking for reasons to pull it out and show it off, so yeah, she’s kind of crazy but OTHER THAN THAT she’s a pretty normal university girl, so I think I lucked out.”
Dude, don’t break her! The fact that she’s chosen a guy with a dick as big as her arm tells me she’s lost all sense of self-preservation. The good news for Thailand is that 9/10 girls apparently know their limits. Bro is fucking her deeper than the plot twist of White Lotus Season 3.
“ima semipro mma fighter n i got a free trip out to indonesia to do a undercard event n chatted up this sexy ring girl name Rani n we hung out for da week n fucked n partied da whole week. looking forward to headed back this year”
Bro lost his fight but can he really ever be a loser if he’s packing such a large cock? I’ve always wondered if those ring girls were hooking up with the fighters, and now I know. Rear naked poke jokes aside, this Indonesian chic sure can take a bbc, and that titfuck was fuckin’ hot!
“We met last semester at a game since she was part of the campus tv crew. Im the first black guy she ever dated and the first time she saw how big i was she was like “omg ive been missing out”. She said she’s dated white guys, asian guys, and mexican guys but never black guys I was like yeah gotta save the best for last lol. Said I was twice as big as the white guy who was twice as big as the asian and mexican.”
This guy is acting like he’s made some major discovery, whereas the general populace has known all along that it’s: black guys: =======> white guys: ====> others: => But don’t stress fellas, once she’s popped out a kid and the “best for last” here has flown the coop, it’ll be all about that wallet size! 💵💵💵
“10 inch hung and thick here, I use adultfriendfinder app for hookups and i get couples on here all da time lookin to hookup with a bbc usually the guy has some weird thing about size and the girl is just goin along with it for their sake like this young bitch here hot as hell pussy tight af and he reached out to me askin to stretch her out i said u sure bro cuz she aint gonna be the same if i get through with her but he wanted it so they got it”
This sexy little thang is getting her guts dug out deeper than Comerica Park and her partner is running around worried about getting the best angle. Bro, just get a dildo – you have no idea where that massive schlong has been when it’s not working as a backup for the Boring Company drill. Better yet, just saw a baseball bat in half and keep the thick end, she won’t notice the difference!
“i take a solo beach trip every year and i always get laid some of the horniest people are dumb white couples who’s girl want a big dick for once. what i’ll do is wear trunks that show off my 9 inches and sit back and let them come to me. dumb mf recording this came up to me n i thought he was gay but he straight up said his wife was interested”
This guy gets laid like other guys get their kidneys stolen – following sketchy people back to their rooms from the pool bar with the promise of sex. I guess if you’re packing 9 inches though, it’s a different story, and the only organs getting moved around are the girl’s. Gonna go out on a limb and guess that this was at Myrtle Beach.
“Went clubbing while I was in Australia and met this sexy iranian girl who was studying their abroad. She rubbed up on my while we were dancingn and felt how big i was down there (8.5 inches) and asked if it was real lol. We flirted and shit and ended up at my hotel and she was super nervous about taking it but it was real cute and yeah she took it deep as fuck done changed her life.”
Do you want Ayatollah Khamenei to issue a fatwah on you? Because this is how you get Ayatollah Khamenei to issue a fatwah on you. Thanks to UN sanctions on Iran, the lads there aren’t allowed to have any dicks over 5 inches long, so it’s no surprise that a hog like that put a hurtin’ on her. On a positive note, those tig ol’ bitties are a delight! I didn’t know they grew them like that in the Middle East – must be all that nuclear proliferation.
“i have a few short clips of my girlfriend taking a huge dick. You see I have a borderline micropenis and for many years struggled to cope with it, which led me down quite the dark path and for a long time I was addicted to porn, especially big dick porn like what you have on your site. I’m mostly better now mentally thanks in huge part to the spp group on reddit and I met a sweet girl who says she doesn’t care about size but for me it’s hard to get off so we have an arrangement, once a month this clean guy I know will come over and fuck her and I get to watch, and in exchange I won’t be self-conscious and negative in the bedroom when it’s just us. So far the deal is working out great, and both parties have agreed for me to reach out and talk about making some money off of the videos.”
My man, micropenis or not, if you thought you were going down a dark path before you’d best take a look at this setup from an outside perspective. You legitimately found a girl who doesn’t care about size, and you’ve taken it upon yourself to introduce her to this big black anaconda? Just don’t be mad when she gets used to the bite, and starts to crave it. I swear dude. Size queen in the making right here. Dumbass. (But I did get all the vids lol.)
“this my ride or die bitch we been together 2 years she the only 1 who can take this big dick like that all the others tried but failed”
Short on words but long on cock. This guy is hung like hell and pounding the absolute shit out of her, but she’s taking it like a champ! That pelvic floor is long gone, and those walls must be stretched harder than the buttons on whatever shirt she wears overtop of those gorgeous tig ol’ bitties. The pro? Giving birth is gonna be a cinch. The con? If he ever dumps her, she’s cooked – that’s a big hole to fill and I’d feel sorry for any guy who tries.
“we have a big shared house off campus n twice a month we throw a party pretty much neone can join n last semester this asian girl and white boy started showing up n they would chill n what not but the 2nd time they came the bf got yt boi wasted n passed out n me and this bitch hooked up n ever sense then whenever they come to the party me n her sneak off to my room n fuck n her bf got no clue he be like where yall been n she say something about showing her something on my computer n i be like dawwwwg u gotta know!”
I bet if I asked this guy what country she was from he’d tell me “Asia”. Based on that run-on sentence, he clearly has way more dick than brains, and yet he may not be quite as stupid as this girl’s boyfriend. While he’s in the kitchen getting her a “beverage”, she’s getting stuffed with more beef than the Kendrick Drake fiasco. This asian ho is clearly after a big dick, as evidenced by the ladder of cocks she’s climbed so far – asian, white, and now black? Better keep her away from the stables.
“a guy in my fraternity went to thailand this semester for study abroad and is constantly sending the group chat these vids of him banging asian girls. Like one or two vids a week. It would be annoying but no cap he has a huge dick and he is just way too big for those tiny chics and its hilarious. Its become sort of a sunday funday tradition now to throw them up on the big screen and watch them. Three guys have alrady signed up to go abroad next year and i can see why.“
If Tony Jaa saw what this guy was doing to these Thai girls he’d kick his ass all the way back to the frat house. Everyone knows that travelling the world broadens the mind, and in the case of this horse hung frat bro it broadens the pussy of every sexy little asian girl he gets his fuckboi hands on. He couldn’t even fit it all the way in!
“I’m a junior at a fairly large u.s. university, and last year my long-term gf broke up with me because admittedly I’m a bit of an asshole. So I decided fuck it, I don’t want to get my heart broken again so I’m just gonna focus on physical relationships and see if I can get a different girl every month – which it turns out is surprisingly easy when you have a cock as big as a horse’s (multiple girls have measured, it’s just over 10 inches). So far so good, I’ve been with 8 different girls since fall semester, and have three videos, all consensual. I thought picking up girls would be more challenging but when it’s purely physical it’s super easy. We have older dorms on campus and the one I’m in is coed showers on each floor, so I let my dick hang and word gets out. I’ll also wear sweatpants to class, and have gotten a girl’s interest that way as well. After a month I always break up with them, and it’s usually amicable and I’ll still hook up with some of them, like this girl, who just lose it over the size. None of them have been with big dicks before, so it’s always fun to see their initial reactions when they see it the first time. Maybe one of these flings will turn into something more, but for now I’m just having fun.”
I want to hate this guy so much, but I have to hand it to him for sticking to his one-month rule and for using sweatpants to their full potential. If you want someone to blame for the fact that tons of young college hotties are going to be spoiled for life by that bwc, blame his ex for releasing him into the wild!
“AITA for wanting to sell my wife’s fetish to fund my own vice? Me (25m) and my wife (24f) have been together for 6 years, married for 4. We have a very strong and committed relationship based on trust and communication. Admittedly I am not the best in bed, which is due to both a mental lockup and an unfortunate genetic handmedown, but I make up for it in many other ways and for all intents and purposes we do have a happy and successful marriage. That said, my wife is far more creative sexually, and even before we married she was into a size kink, i.e. she would look at pictures of huge (fake) penises, watch bbc porn, purchase large dildos, etc. I was always happy to play along in the bedroom, since my own endowment is subpar at best, and I believe everyone should explore sexuality in their own way and work with each other to find mutual pleasure. When we have sex, she always makes sure I’m well taken care of, and I don’t mind returning the favor through whatever means is necessary.
As for me, I’m into psychadelics and other mind-expanding drugs like psilocybin, mescaline, salvia, so on, a hobby that my wife will turn the other way for since she isn’t really into that sort of thing, though it’s never been an issue and she doesn’t disapprove. Every year since college, I take a trip with friends to Arizona and we spend a week getting to know the universe *wink*. My wife is fully on board with this annual trip.
Since we got married, my wife and I have taken an annual trip to Las Vegas as well. We’re not big into gambling or anything, but we like to party and people watch and catch some shows. To make things easier logistically, after our week in Vegas is over, I always take short flight to Arizona and meet up with my friends for our adventure, and my wife flies home.
Our second year in Vegas we went to an erotic show. It was one of the ones with both male and female performers, nothing physical but a lot of nudity – breasts, penises, etc. One black performer notably had a massive penis, which I made some joke about to my wife about her taking it (I can’t remember exactly what I said because I was somewhat intoxicated) and to which she laughed and the show went on. We ended up at the same hotel bar as the performers, and I ended up speaking with the guy. Long story short he works as a high-end male escort, biweekly health examinations, professional service, etc., and he came back with us to our hotel and the three of us had sex (strictly heterosexual stuff). I have no problem with this, as it was an enjoyable experience for my wife and I myself enjoy a bit of sph. He never charged us anything, saying it was nice to be with a couple who was genuine and not an old, overweight lady coming off a divorce (his words).
Every year since then we’ve reached out to him when we go to Vegas and one night of the week he’ll come to our hotel and have sex with my wife, and we only pay for drinks before/after. This is not the issue at hand, as I have no problem with this arrangement. The way I see it, it’s my wife’s one chance a year to really let go of her responsibilities and embrace her fetish, the same way I do when I go on the substance excursions with my college buddies. Here’s where the issue is. Our substances of choice have started to become quite expensive, as well as our lodgings since my friends and I are opting for comfort these days as we get older. Whereas we used to be fine renting some tents and hoofing it, we lean more towards isolated cabins and such these past few trips.
As such, I suggested to my wife that we film her fun with the large penis so that she could watch it at any point on her own and so that I could use it to fund my own fun. Of course I wouldn’t show her face or give away our identities, it would be completely anonymous and knowing that there’s a market for such things we could easily make a good amount of money, a win – win in my book. Long story short, she flipped out and called me an asshole. She didn’t mind the filming (since that could benefit her), but absolutely forbade me from sharing it with anyone else. The thing is, no one would ever know it was her, and by selling her hookup with the well endowed gentleman, I could at the same time fund my trip with my friends. It’s an even deal in my book, so what gives? Am I the asshole here or is my wife wanting to have her cake and eat it too?”
After reading this several months back, I had to try to get in touch with this dude and see what was up with the video. I sent him a private message and it went unanswered, so I figured it was a throwaway account and that was that. Lo and behold, seven months later he replies!
“Hey sorry for the late reply, this account is connected to an email address I rarely check so I didn’t even see your message. She eventually agreed to let me sell the video, but I had no luck with buyers and my posts kept getting removed so I gave up. Yes, we are still together, happily married. I just have the one video from that one time, and if you’re still interested I’ll sell it for $***. You can email me directly at **************@gmail.com and I’ll get back to you asap. Thanks for reaching out.”
Well, your favorite collector pulled through and landed this daunting look into the life of a young wife absolutely addicted to big black dick for you all to enjoy! You’re welcome!
“to all the young black kings out there my advice is do what it takes to get into college, u can study if thats ur thing or u can play sports b get a scholarship or u can cheat it dont matter the important thing is GET INTO COLLEGE cause let me tell u its all worth it these white girls are different n its so easy to hit, just do the math if there are 5 white girls and u drop a line saying ur 10 inch hung then guarantee 2 or 3 out of the 5 will be prospects then they tell there friends and so on. i can look around the cafeteria ne given time o fday n see 6 or 7 bitches ive dug out n they dont even get upset with me they get mad at each other, taking big dick is like a right of passage for them or sth its like bragging rights so just relax and fuck”
When I get someone trying to sell me a vid I typically ask a few basic questions like “How do you know them?” and “What’s the story here?”, and this guy ignored all that and went straight into giving a TED Talk on fucking white college girls 🤦♂️. That’s all good though, I’ll just assume the blood that’s supposed to go to his brain is pulling overtime in his dick and can’t be spared for something trivial like reading comprehension.
“I work as a bouncer for a popular night spot near Greensboro and we get a big college crowd, think seniors and grad students, who tend to really cut loose on Friday and Saturday nights. As a tall, fit black guy, I often get flirted with especially once people start to loosen up after downing a few, mostly single girls, but also girls who are there without their significant others. I never ask. I get laid every weekend, no exceptions. Typically I won’t see the girl again, as there are dozens of night spots in the area, but when I do they tend to either want to fuck again or they avoid me like the plague. 11 inches uncut, think pringles can.”
Holy cow, these poor grad girls could write a thesis on that dick. No, I don’t mean a thesis about the dick, but literally on it – 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, double spaced, 10 pages, it would fit. Nothing helps round out a tough study week better than a few shots of vanilla cake vodka and a penis larger than a Starbucks Stanley.
“ngl my friend girl hot af she a tiny thang and i knew for a fact he was slinging a huge dick even for a black man n i said aint no way she can handle all that n he said ill prove it. said he usually dont go this deep and u can see why lol”
Black girls are supposed to be made in order to take big dicks, but sometimes God screws up and gives them petite frames with matching pussies. This is why I always say that black girls have it the worst: they’re either big, loud, and ugly BUT can take a big dick, or they’re cute, slim, and pretty but are still expected to handle BBC. This girl’s OBGYN gonna be mad at you, bruh.
“i hook up with this white girl every friday night after the game cause her parents both work 3rd shift and her lil brother addicted to playstation meanwhile im slaying this pussy in da next room. Oh and we both adults she 18 and im 19 jsyk, hung like a horse and biggest dick in the school by far”
Dear Lord, some dumbass dean is gonna give this walking lamppost a football scholarship and he’s gonna wreak havoc at whatever small town university he ends up at. As for the poor girl with the now-displaced internal organs, good luck being able to feel anything thinner than a baseball bat moving on. Might as well start your immigration papers to Uganda.
“my pos former gf got caught while I was at my guard unit for drill week. the guy is her coworker and i always was a little sus about them cause i thought i saw where he sent her a dick pic before and sure enough. she admitted to it later and tried to say it was just a physical thing but hell nah, that bitch is gone!”
Damn king, this bitch sent the wrong file and tried to play it off like that, lol! I’m surprised she didn’t try to blame it on Artificial Intelligence. At least she came clean. We all know when they say it’s a “physical thing” they just mean he’s got a huge wang.
“As a black man living in Korea I get a lot of dirty looks and discrimination so I take extra pleasure in fucking the hell out their girls. This little bitch struggled HARD the first few times and still can’t take all 10 inches, but she worships the hell out of it. I got this bitch skipping class to come over and take it deep. I’ll be back in the states next month but I guarantee that pussy aint ever going to be the same again.”
Koreans have enough to worry about with the inflated price of cabbage, the rocket man up north, and presidents trying to declare martial law – they certainly don’t need the added stress of a huge black dick running around stretching out those tiny little holes. She’s a cutie, though, and she definitely won’t be able to go back to 4 inch kimchi dicks after fooling around with that hog.
“If you want to be happy in life, get yourself a young indian wife like me. From day one she promised to treat me like a king. Even after she realized how big I was down there, she swore she would do whatever it took to please me. It was a struggle at first, but she always made sure to please me, and we’re still in a happy marriage four years later. She tells her friends they should all move to the states and find a big dicked white man to take care of them, and that she would never do anything to make me leave her because she wouldn’t want to go back to the ‘land of little dicks’.”
Has it ever occurred to you that she treats you so well not because girls from India are special, but because you have a cock the size of Mark McGwire’s forearm? I’d move to India to give it a shot, but I’ve seen the Youtube vids of the street food they have. That said, good job snagging a hot one!
“me and my boy picked this palestine bitch up at a protest on campus went to a party same night ended up fucking that lil brown pussy up she aint never had a 10 inch bbc before and im hitting it again this weekend”
Black guys swinging huge dicks picking up girls at protests seems to be an ongoing trend since 2020. Thanks to his sizable manhood, there’s no blood left to feed his brain and he thinks this girl is from somewhere called “Palistan”. If I’d have said that, I’d be raked over the coals! I guess having a dick the size of the Gaza Strip means you can get away with shit like that. And he’s managing to convince her to take more?! Yeesh, here I thought they were the terrorists.
“used to play NCAA football for a pretty big university, had a full ride scholarship and everything. The cheerleaders were some of the most beautiful girls in the entire country and we could pretty much take our pick. Having the biggest dick in the locker room meant my reputation would often proceed me and if a lady was looking for a huge dick they knew who to go to. I could fuck any girl and that pussy would be bent all up out of shape. This little ho was one of my favorite, she was a freshman and i must have fucked her hundreds of times.”
Welp, I bet she missed a good many cheerleading practices on account of that dick. I’m sure this guy would have went pro in the NFL, but his cock is big enough to be considered an extra player on the field. Plus, you can’t really compete against the pros when you have what is essentially a 10-pound dumbbell dangling between your legs and weighing you down.
“This filipina girl cheats on her husband with me all the fucking time, and even lets him know it. Like she’ll threaten that if he does something wrong, like coming home drunk, then she’s gonna go fuck the big dick foreigner. I’ve seen the text of her just berating the shit out of this dude, calling his junk small, and saying that if he does this or that then she’s coming over to my place. She keeps a couple pics of my dick on her phone and will send them to him when they fight. She told me she wanted to make this vid cause he put her on hold or something. She’ll use his credit cards to get us hotel rooms to fuck in, get us food, drinks, etc. Like I’ve never met the guy, maybe he’s a piece of shit or something, but when I’ve heard him begging with her on the phone he seems like a normal guy, so part of me thinks she just likes huge cock and comes up with an excuse to come get it. It is an arranged marriage (their parents know each other) so that might have something to do with it, but she’s an absolute bitch to him. She treats me like a god damn king though, says she loves how good it hurts when I go deep, and loves how she can feel it hitting the bottom of her stomach. We met a few years back when we were both in the university here, and at first she could only fit a few inches but now I’m going so deep it’s giving her stretch marks on her belly. 11 inches, thick.”
Jesus Christ man, do you at least send that poor man a thankyou card every now and then? You know he’s probably the nicest guy ever, right? And you’re there impaling his bwc-addicted wife with a dick so big it’s probably illegal. But hey, I’m sure the dating scene is particularly difficult over there for the well-endowed westerner, so I guess when it comes to morals or fucking, you gotta choose the latter.
“Hi, I’m a 37 year old professional who works in a popular college town (but I have no affiliation with the university). A couple years back I was dating a senior at the college (I know there’s a considerable age difference here but I have a youthful appearance and my career affords me lots of expendable income which can be very attractive to young women.) Admittedly I am not great in bed. I have a minor form of E.D. and this is something I’ve come to accept, and I do my best to make up for it in other ways, such as tons of foreplay and using toys. The longer we dated, the more often she would introduce new ideas, mostly bigger toys, until finally she brought up the idea of a threesome. I am very liberal and open minded when it comes to sex, much like the ancient Greeks were, so I was on board with it all. She would often ask me to record it, and of course I would.
One day she comes up to me with a very excited disposition, saying she’s found a guy on AFF (adult friend finder), that said he was 13 inches and if I would be okay with it. I shrugged my shoulders and agreed, because at that point although I was no longer into it, I didn’t feel it was right to deny her what she wanted sexually. Well, here’s that video. He was a pleasurable man to meet, very humble, about my age, and probably 12 inches long. You can hear me counting her orgasms as I tried to get into it, but couldn’t. My heart simply wasn’t there anymore. She really seemed to enjoy it, however, and from that point on insisted we only do threesomes with guys that were incredibly hung. I realized the relationship wasn’t really about me anymore, and I ended it. Sic vita est hominum – such is life.
As for J, she’s a smart girl and graduated sum cum laude. She’s in grad school now at the same university, and I often see her with the same gentleman at a bar downtown (not the one from the video), so I assume she’s doing well. We chat briefly every few months.”
I can tell by this man’s loquacious verbiage that, like me, he is a scholar indeed. As such, he would agree that the expression is, “If you love someone, let them go” not “let them get hollowed out like a hospital in Gaza“.I’m happy to hear that she still graduated, but I’m afraid to guess as to what her major must have been. African Studies? It certainly wasn’t Anatomy.
“check out my boi rearranging the guts of this dumb chic at an off campus party we just had. We call him Flagpole and I swear he fucks a different girl every week, dude is a LEGEND! Best part is this chic’s bf was right next door and everyone could hear them but he didnt know it was her and was laughing along with everyone else until she came limping out a few minutes later! Oh and for the record it’s legitimately like 12 inches, he literally shows it off all the time so we’ve all gotten a real good look.”
Someone get that guy from River Monsters on the horn, tell him there’s one he missed. Where are all the hung white porn stars? Apparently they’re at college fucking the hell out of dumb little whores away from home for the first time in their lives. It must suck to be a guy at this school.
“say hello to my little snowbunny thot i been fucking since last year, she’s a sophomore here and i’ve been training her to take my bbc for months. At this point she can usually get it down pretty deep, such as this video she at about 10 inches and i can feel my head getting into her esophogus. When we started fuckin wit each other she couldnt take half of it but she straightened out now. honestly tho im thinkin bout dumpin her ass at the end of the month cause i like to see them struggle more and i like those first few weeks after they been introduced to my big dick n how they whole personality seem to change n shit so im gonna find someone new lol”
You know what they say, “the ass is always tighter on the other side.” How you gonna Tommy Gunn her like that bro? She’s spent many a night suppressing her gag reflexand stretching her pussy when she should have been studying, and all she’ll have to show for it is a wizard’s sleeve of a vagina and the sword-swallowing skills of Edith Clifford.
“matched her on Tinder and warned her in advance i got a 9 inch cock and she said she could handle it so i said we’ll see. Tore that pussy up and then she said she didnt think we were physically compatible like no shit bitch i tried to warn you”
“UPDATE: hey i kid you not but as soon as i sent you that vid she messaged me asking if i wanna hang out this weekend so i guess she’s coming back for round 2 😉”
Her generation is the same one that was eating tide pods back in 2013 when they were kids, so I understand why she ignored the warning and went through with taking on a dick clearly a few inches too big for her. The fact that she’s going to come back for a second pounding tells me that pussy is ruined now. She’ll never go back to average.
“every weekend in beijing i go to one of these language exchange events where chinese meet foreigners to practice chinese and english and 2/3 times i’ll hook up with a girl after and introduce her to sum real dick. always 10 or so ppl do drinks after and when I play my cards right i take a bitch home same night like this one”
Since you’re doing language exchange, it might be a good idea to impart on these girls the following useful English phrases: -biting off more than you can chew -trying to fit a baseball bat inside a garden hose -stretched out like Gumby in a torture rack
That poor pussy is going to need a whole Chinese new year to recover from having its elasticity ruined like Taco Bell just ruined chicken nuggets (discontinued after only 1 month? C’mon.)
“dated this sexy young thai girl in Pattaya in 2018 when I lived there. she was a free spirit kind of girl and she loved to party but she wasn’t a bar girl or anything she lived with her parents and went to uni and she just had a thing for foreigners and our sex life was great and she clearly enjoyed my very average british cock which is an honest 15cm very standard, but she said it was big (which it would be by thai standards) and she had a 18cm purple dildo we would play with some nights and you know it was a healthy sex life and a very sexy time but i knew it wasn’t a real serious relationship and I had no intention of sticking around thailand after my year was up and she knew that and was fine with it and we were just having fun.
While clubbing one night we me this black guy, I’ll call him Mac, who was hitting on her until I stepped in and told him she was taken but we ended up hitting it off and hanging out more, he off handedly mentioned he had a big dick and I’m thinking sure that’s what all the black guys here say, but Amara was curious and we talked it over and eventually decided to have a threesome. I asked Mac how big he was cause of course I didn’t want her getting hurt and he said he was about 18 cm which I thought was perfect because it was the same size as the purple dildo and not all that much bigger than me to be honest so we set it up and went out that evening and got a bit pissed on Lao khao and god knows what else and got a cheap hotel room in Pattaya and I’m not sure if Mac had been misleading or if it was a misunderstanding but when he whips it out it’s 18cm FLACCID and it grows to some unfathomable length but she’s too fucked up to care and we go through with it.
At first it was a bit brutal and there was a lot of her getting used to it, I went limp as a rope and it was just Mac fucking her relentlessly. about ten minutes in I think I might should record this just in case something bad happens. Sometimes I can’t help but think we got played but it is what it is. ended up going to the clinic on account of her abdomin pain but the doc said everything was fine and to just take it easy on the rough sex and she was fine a few days later.
We do still keep in touch on occasion via email and last I heard she had recently graduated and had a job at her dad’s company, dating some Canadian guy for two years on. Cheers.“
Cute girls like this are the reason men go to war, and here you are giving her away for free to a man who has ruined more pussies than the Mr. Hankey XXL Dildo. Fellas, I keep telling you, if you’re sharing your girl with someone, you have to vet them. As for this vid, for the love of God don’t let her new boyfriend see it.
“smashing the sexiest girl in school, all the lil cholos are mad af cause she want this bbc n i hook her up, hittin in deeeep, biggest dick got the hottest girl thats the way it is.”
With a personality like that and a shit-eating grin that would give James Franco a run for his money, this guy’s dick must be pulling a lot of weight in this relationship. Smashing it through her pussy walls like the fucking Kool-Aid Man is probably why his dick can bend at those funny angles even when hard. You can tell how much she enjoys having it so deeeep by the way she’s pushing back like low tide at the beach. Just keep your grades up and you can reevaluate your decisions in a few months.
“Recently flew to Beijing on business and decided to have a little fun. Last time I was in China it felt so great to be absolutely worshipped by a girl I hooked up with due to the size of my cock (10 inches, something unheard of there), so I’ve been looking forward to this trip. I had to go through 5 different agencies before a girl agreed to fuck for about $200. They ask you straight up beforehand how big you are, and it seems anything bigger than 7 inches is a no-go for the girls, hence the struggle and the steep price. Thank God this little Chinese princess was up to the task. She struggled to fit about half of it in her mouth but rode it quite well. I took down her info for when I go back next year.”
Sorry to break it to you pal, but once Xi Jinping sees this you’re gonna be on the banned-from-entry list. The last thing the netizens of China want is a big-dicked white devil coming over and ruining their ladies.
“got a call from my fwb saying her friend never saw a big dick before and didnt believe you could fit a thick big dick and i stg i left work that very minute told my manager i had a family emergency and i drove my ass to her place and she was high af wit her cute friend i dont know what they were on and she was like “my friend wanna see it” so i whipped it out and me n my girl fucked and her friend recorded it and i was hoping her friend would join in but she was too anxious oh well theres always next time”
What the hell are you doing?! Get back there and pump that hot friend full full of bbc! Are you telling me you whipped it out and she didn’t want to experience having her pussy stretched to its limits? Did you try the helicopter spin? Did you promise you’d go “slow” and “only put in half”? Clearly you did something wrong!
“I started dating this girl her freshman year at App State when I was a sophomore (2023). Apparently her ex was a douchebag and found me on instagram and would constantly send me pics of his dick and talk about how much she must miss it. I tried not to let it get to me and I would block him and he’d just create a new account and torment me more. I told her about it and she begged me not to go to the police, which was weird because why is she defending him? Then he sent me this video of him fucking her brains out with his 11 inch dick or whatever and I fucking lost it and went off and said some things to her I probably shouldn’t have but long story short I broke up with her and moved on, but I still think about it and even still have the video which is kind of fucked up if you think about it. For personal reasons I haven’t started dating again but she has a new bf who is probably also getting tormented by her ex who I’m pretty sure she is still fucking when she goes home. Since he’s so happy to send pics of his dick and videos and she’s so happy to not do anything about it I guess it must be fine to put it out there so here ya go!”
Ouch brother, that sucks. The fact that she seemed so nonchalant about it is a huge red flag, so you did the right thing breaking it off! Some girls get a taste of big dick life and there’s just no fixing them afterwards. Stay strong and hopefully you find yourself a girl who hasn’t had the experience of shoving a baseball bat into a garden hose.
“Was dating this freshman girl last semester 2024 and she invited me to her home at the start of xmas break and she didn’t tell her family I was black and they were racist as fuck I could tell they didn’t like me neway took this in her room at her house tryna be quiet so I could fuck. Thsi dumb bitch ended up trying to flush a xxl condom AND WRAPPER down the toilet and it clogged and her dad pulled the condom and wrapper out and they had a huge fight I could hear them yelling at her and I just bounced and called her later n she told me she couldn’t see me nemore cause of her racist ass parents and they took her out of college.”
Who the hell flushes a wrapper down the toilet? See, I knew this bitch was dumb when I saw her “certificate of academic achievement” printouts taped to her wall. As for her parents, they’re not racist, they just don’t like the idea of their daughter getting stuffed by something bigger than her mom’s rolling pin.
This wannabe model has all the essentials of the deluxe “I only date black guys” starter pack.
phat ass ✔️
trashy tattoos ✔️
extensions ✔️
a pussy that won’t quit ✔️
and parents at home wondering what went wrong ✔️
At least she’s not 4’10” with her hair pulled back in a bun like so many others. There’s always a reason these girls “date” black guys, and not marry them. This donkey-dicked fwb has as much of a chance of sticking around as the Jacksonville Jaguars do of making it to the Superbowl without Blake Bortles.
“played varsity football with this white boy my senior year n he had a fine ass girlfrind n he was always joking wit me about fucking his girl cuz hed seen how big i was in the locker room n he was just average i guess maybe a lil less than but after we all graduated we hung out more n smoked weed n eventually hooked up n i fucked the hell out his girl n u could see the look of regret on his face. neway that lil bitch ass stole some weed from me so now ima put him n his girl on blast – how that pussy feel now bitch? rekt that shit wide af”
Quarterbacks always pull the hottest girls in school, then the black linebackers steal them. I keep telling you, if you want to keep your girl, don’t let them hook up with a guy whose dick reaches the end zone a yard before he does. It’s clear this girl is feeling the depth of the playbook here as this sad quarterback sack films it all to look back on later once he’s full of regret. The biggest flag on this play is the penalty that pussy is feeling by having too many inches on the field. 🏈
“Been dating this spanish girl for 6 months she’s over here on a student visa and says its like nothing she’s ever felt before, says she loves feeling it in her womb and its like being in heaven and hell at the same time. Only girl I’ve ever been with that can take it all, thinking about putting a ring on it. I’m about 11 inches.”
Do it, bro! Lock that shit down! It’s not like that pussy is good to anyone else now, anyway. Someone needs to write her family and let them know she’s succumbed to the jungle fever and won’t be making it back home in one piece.
“tell me how lucky we got! rented a beachhouse in myrtle beach for sum fun and right next door a big group of mexican bitches were having a bachelorette party so we vibed with them and chilled teh whole weekend, drank a huge amount of tequila and these girls were crazy, ended up having sex with a few of them one particularly wild night but this one girl wanted a foursome and my boy got in their and even though we all got big ones he is a freak that shits over a foot long and this bitch took it balls deep! I kno she was feeling that shit the next day lol”
In case anyone is wondering why this man is wrapped in a blanket half the time, it’s because most of his blood has moved into that massive cock and there’s little left to keep him warm! There’s nothing hornier than a bunch of latinas on a bachelorette booze fest, and you can just imagine all the empty Hennessey and Tequila bottles floating around. Gotta wonder how many shots she must have taken to be able to handle that third leg like that, damn.
“This snowbunny was in my anatomy class fall semester 24 and we had a group assignment on reproductive organs and the average penis size came up in conversation and i was like “Okay but that’s like half my dick” and she gave me a look and now she comes over at least once a week to play with it, bruh this shit too easy”
Girls with their eyebrows plucked like that are always the ones hooking up with black guys, and an anatomy class on dicks is just a ringer for guys like this. Imagine that convo:
RANDOM STUDENT: I read that the average penis size is approximately 5.5 inches. 🤓 BLACK GUY: Uhhhh muh dick twice that. 😤 ALL THE GUYS IN THE GROUP: 😒🙄 ALL THE GIRLS: 😯😮😨🤩
This ho’s grades will certainly suffer, but hopefully she’ll be able to take more of that pipe by the end of spring semester.
“i work at a cafe in a popular bookstore chain and every summer and winter we get new employees looking for a quick part time job and i get to supervise them and usually end up hooking up as well. For a lot of them it’s their first time experiencing a big dick and its a life changing experience for them.”
Ordering your coffee extra black, thick, and long is sure to get a few weird looks from the baristas, but that’s how this girl likes it. She’s taking that dick like a girl who just got done with her first semester of DEI courses at Portland University – meaning it’s clearly too much for her but damnit, she has to atone for her white guilt!
“i got a big ass dick n i kno how to use it so my gym gets this new worker there for yoga some hot 19 year old on summer break so of course i gotta chat her up n get her insta. she dating some white boy already but i do my favorite move n send her a dick pick n pretend it was the wrong person n apologize n shit n it works every time fastforward two weeks n im making her scream”
I love this guy’s strategy: STEP 1: Have a ridiculously big dick. STEP 2: Send dick pics and let them do all the work.
He’s basically Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception but instead of planting that stupid spinning top in that bitch’s mind this guy is planting the fact that he’s got a monstrous dong and then hiding it behind an “accidental send”. This, ladies & gentlemen, is big dick game theory.
Also, only 19 and having a log like that rammed in her guts? Yeesh. Good luck finding something bigger once he moves on to the spinning instructor.
So allegedly the girl in this vid was an emotionally abusive twat who dated this white guy for a year while at the same time was in a relationship with the huge-dicked black guy the next town over. After a year she comes clean and suckers the white guy into a polyamorous relationship with some bullshit explanation about sexuality and “love vs needs” and other nonsense straight out of a modern-day college textbook. The poor guy loves her so he reluctantly stays and shares her with the horse-hung black stud and it slowly tears him apart. I mean, just look at the vid, that girl is getting dug the fuck out. Anyway, depending on who you believe this guy either offed himself or packed his bags and bounced off to Thailand or some other cheap southeast asian country where white cocks matter. Not the happiest ending but this is life. Enjoy.
“My first year at Pitt and all the incoming freshmen got to take a anti-black racism class and there is a group project and me and this girl got paired up and one of the questions was what is a difficulty i have faced as a black male and i joked being hung like a horse scare all the pretty girls away and that weekend we hooked up and i educated her on how to take a big dick. I stg i would text her randomly and be like come over and get this big dick and she’d stop whatever she was doing and come get stretched out. First time was a bitch but she got used to the size and says she likes the hurt.”
Pitt, aka the University of Pittsburgh, mandates a course titled “Anti-Black Racism: History, Ideology, and Resistance” for all incoming freshmen which aims to educate students about the history of anti-Black racism and encourage anti-racist practices. These places of “high learning” have pounded into the heads of these poor white girls that their race is a problem and they need to do what they can to pay the black man back, even if it means stretching their holes wider than George Floyd’s nostrils. Years later she’ll look back and realize she was duped, but until then I guess it’s open season on her and all white college girls.
“ata friends new year party last week wit my crazy ass girlfriend n we drinkin n vibin after the countdown n i get a text saying like come to the upstairs bedroom and my gf in there makin out with this sloppy yt bitch n i said whats up n she said she was dtf cause her ex was black so i whipped it out and her eyes went wide i guess her ex was one of them lame ass niggas with yt boi blood in the ancestry cause she said mine was huge like a 12 inch ruler i said naw bitch aint that big but it 9 inches for sure n we flipped that bitch and gave her a real bbc hope her ex see this shit”
On the 8th day the Good Lord fashioned two more heavenly creations: girl inches and sloppy yt bitches. You can blame the first on her less-endowed ex who likely inflated his measurement to fit the bill for what’s expected from a black guy, probably said his 5.5 inch pecker was a solid 8, so when this new year’s reveler whipped out 9 inches she had to do some remedial math. Fellas, get you a girl like this man has, one who will lay the ground game snatchin’ up hoes so you can just come up and fuck when it’s time. As for this hollowed out thot, your first new year’s resolution should be to find a dick you can accommodate more than half of.
“Picked this korean bitch up at a club in hongdae she almost didn’t go through with it and said she was scared when she saw it. I’m 11.5 inches long and usually in korea that’s too big and they run scared but i guess the soju made her brave enough to take it. Guarantee you that pussy is claimed now, aint no one gonna fill her up like that again and if they try they’ll be bouncing off those pussy walls cause that shit is gutted.”
Koreans need to learn that if they want to embrace black culture (rap, hiphop, gangsta, etc.) then they’d better be prepared to lose more and more girls to big dicked thugs like this one. White guys have it bad enough trying to compete with these footlong dongs, asian boys don’t stand a chance! Imagine being a korean and finding out your university crush hooked up with a cock that was 3-4 times bigger than yours. Korea is cooked!
“so basically me, my girl, and this girl hooked up prom night senior year of high school and had a sort of threesome fling throughout the summer but then she went to college and got new friends and a boyfriend n i figured that was that but over christmas break she reached out to my girl to hang out and have a girls night n they got caught a buzz and sure enough my phone started goin off. Apparently her sex life was miserable and her bf’s dick was like a thumb n she missed my bbc so i pulled up and took her lil pussy to paradise. My girl recorded but didnt want to be a part of a video in case we ever brak up.”
As Chris Brown so eloquently put it in 2014, “these hoes ain’t loyal!” This idiotic white girl was well on her way to leaving behind whatever podunk ghetto ass town she came from and starting fresh with a path towards higher education, a squeaky clean boyfriend, and new friends & aspirations, but she just couldn’t resist the feeling of getting stretched out by 9 inches of thick christmas sausage. It’s clear that she’s addicted to bbc at this point, so my advice is to cut this guy out of the picture (he clearly doesn’t care about your public image), let Thumbzilla down easy (say it’s you, not him), then make your way to the nearest JMU football practice and take your pick.
“Attached is my shy but cute gf sucking, fucking, and stroking my 8.5 inch cock. I met her when I was year 11 and she was a year 9, it’s been about 2 years and we filmed this about a year and a half into our relationship. She had only ever been with one other guy before and says she could never go back to a normal sized cock after me.”
For context, year 11 in the UK is like a junior in college, and year 9 a freshman. That said, this lad can thank God for college and thank whatever big-dicked viking raided his ancestor’s village in 980 A.D. and planted the seeds to allow this whopper of a cock to happen. King Henry VIII would need two guillotines for this chav. Watching this girl struggling to swallow and fit just half of his dick is worth her weight in British Pounds. She had to use every ounce of muscle to wrangle that condom on. I haven’t seen a brit get fucked like that since Evelyn got fired from her job as librarian in The Mummy.
I knew this black guy in the Army in Korea who had the biggest dick I’ve ever seen, it was at least 12 inches and as thick as a fuckin’ baseball bat. He had to have fucked every single prostitute on Hooker Hill (and ruined them all in the process). A bunch of places banned him. He’d tell us all about his exploits and he had a video of one girl he fucked that was actually Chinese (the brothels would make chinese girls do whatever since they were essentially sub-human in Korea at the time). I reached out to him on xmas eve to see if he still had the video and HE EMAILED IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY! Guy is a fucking legend.
Watch the end of the vid you’ll see the girl unable to walk and fall down. He said that shit used to happen all the time. He said some girls’ cervixes would open up after getting pounded enough and he’d reach their uterus and they’d pass out from the pain, and otherwise he’d just push as deep as he could and get off on watching them squirm. I swear he was a sadist.
“How about a vid of me fucking the shit out of a young white girl with my thick 10 inch dick? I’ve been hollowing this girl out for over two years at this point. We met in 2022 at the NAHSE Atlanta BLM event. She was a sophomore in college and was there with friend to show her support for the movement (a lot of yt girls show up to these events and it’s always a good place to get some), and we ended up hooking up that night. Now usually when I fuck a yt girl for the first time one of two things happen, they either realize they’re in over their heads and retreat, end up trying to hide their past and marry some safe-dick yt boy, or they become infatuated with my big black dick and go dick crazy and i ultimately have to cut em off. This girl is a bit different, she likes the pain. As far as I know she’s leading a normal life at college, about to graduate next semester, she got a boyfriend n all is well but when she comes to ATL we hook up and she wilds out on my dick, but she don’t go crazy asking about my other girls, getting married, etc., she is strictly in it for the big D and I am always happy to deliver.”
This donkey-dicked stud has it all figured out. He’s found a girl that’s willing to take a cervical beating from his 10 inch oil piston on the regular with no strings attached. If this girl has a father in her life then I’m Pope Francis. At least he doesn’t cheap out on the hotel room, that’s a nice looking place.
“this my spicy little sidepiece n she a slave to my 12 in dick. call me twice a week when her family go out so i can come over and smash boi that pussy deeeep i go all tha way to tha back of her womb it be pushin her stomach out at tha belly button. thsi bitch jus 1 of 3 i have in tha same apartmet all them hoes be clamoring for this bbc but she the sexy 1”
Hold the phone, did you just use the word “clamoring”? I know for sure they don’t teach such verbosity at Ghetto Tech University, WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT?! Follow-up question: what happened to the horse after you chopped it’s cock off and attached it to your pelvis!? How is this girl still alive after having her internal organs pushed up into her ribcage? I can only assume that condom is one of the novelty giant ones from Spencer’s.